The following website terms and conditions of use (the "Terms and Conditions") apply to use of our website. By using our website, you confirm that you accept these Term and Conditions and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you may not access or otherwise use our website.
1. Welcome to our website, ("Website"). The website is provided by Renomark Limited, a company registered in England under company number 06674376 and whose registered office is 158 Uxbridge Road, London, W13 8SB.
1.1 For the purpose we Terms and Conditions - "our", "we", "us" means Renomark Limited, the owner of the website.
"You" and "your" means you as the user of our website.
1.2 The website has two main functions:
(a) Promotion of sensual, tantric and general massage as a way of relaxation, stress relief, physical recovery and the general information relating to health and wellbeing.
(b) Aggregating of information and promotion of sensual massage therapists (by advertisements and posting theirs' profile) - providers who wish to offer their services and goods for sale via our Website ("Partners")
1.3 By providing you with access to our website and any products or services we offer, you agree to the terms and conditions that govern:
(a) your rights to use and link to our website (these "Terms and Conditions");
(b) how we will use and protect information about you (our "Privacy Policy"), together or individually may be referred to as our "Terms and Policies".
1.4 We may change our Terms and Policies from time to time, which case up to date version of such Terms and Policies will be available via the Website. You should check these Terms and Policies regularly to ensure that you are happy with any changes. You will be deemed to have accepted any changes to the Terms and Policies after you have been notified of the changes on our Website homepage and you continue to access or use our Website.
2 Use of this website. These Website Terms and Condition set out how you may use our Website. These Terms and Conditions of use apply whatever method you have used to access the website, including but not limited to the internet, digital television services and mobile phone.
2.1 If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use, you should not use our website. You should read all the Terms and Conditions prior to using the website.
3. Accessing the website Access to our website is permitted on a temporary basis. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend our Website (and any products or services offered on it) without notice. We shall not be liable if for any reason our Website or any part of it is unavailable at ay time or for any period.
3.1 We update our Website from time to time and so may change the content at any time without notice to you. We reserve the right to withdraw, vary or suspend the Website (or any of it) at any time without notice.
3.2 We shall not be responsible for any malfunctions, errors, crashes or other adverse events that may occur from your use of the site. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to access and view this Website and should ensure you have up to date anti-virus software on any device from which you access our Website.
3.3 Materials and information posted on our Website are not intended as advice and should not be relied upon as such. We therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such information to the fullest extent permissible by all applicable laws.
3.4 You are responsible for ensuring that all persons accessing our Website through your internet connection are aware of these website Terms and Conditions of use.
4. Posting your profile & Ad on our Website. If you are 18 years old or over, you may post your Profile - Ad on our Website ("Member")
4.1 Any personal information is in course of registration for our service and will be held and used in accordance with any consent obtained from you and terms of our Privacy Policy.
5.4 We reserve the right to withdraw any or all Members' rights, your Profile, ad and cancel membership. We shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever arising from a Member's inability to access any pages on the Website.
6 Intellectual Property. You may access, view and print out one copy of this website ad all information, images, and other content displayed on the Website ("Materials") strictly in accordance with these website Terms and Conditions of use.
6.1 We do not grant any license or other authorysation to any user or on our website. You also acknowledge that any ideas, concepts, methods, systems, designs, plans, techniques or other similar materials that you submit or otherwise communicate to our website, may be used by us in ay manner.
6.2 Use, or cause others to use, any automated system or software to extract content or data from this website ("screen scraping"), except in cases where you or any applicable third party has entered into written license agreement directly with us that expressly permits such activity
7. User information. In the course of your use of the Website, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself to us.
8. Submitted materials. Any information or materials that you agree to use, submit, send to us or otherwise make available on or through our website will be deemed not to be confidential or secret. By submitting or agreeing to use such a materials on our website, you agree and acknowledge that your material will not be treated as confidential or proprietary
8.1 You agree, represent and warrant that your material is original to you and that no other party has any rights to the material.; does not contain any content that is unlawful, threatening, vulgar, deceptive, or accounts sexual acts; does not contain a virus or other harmful component; does not contain false or misleading indications of origin or statement of facts.
8.2 You agree and grant us the royalty free, unrestricted, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sub-licensed right and license to use, reproduce, modify, edit, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display your material (in whole or part)
9. Trade Marks. We expressly reserve all rights in and to the domain name ad all related domains and sub-domains, the name Sensual Massages, our logo device, service marks, trading names and/or trade marks.
10. Linking to our website. You may link to any page of the website, for non commercial purposes provided that you do so in any way that is fair and legal and which does or damage our reputation or take unfair advantage of it. For the avoidance of doubt, the linking site must not contain any adult or illegal material or otherwise objectionable.
11. Third party content and third party website. Our website may contain advertising submitted by third parties. Such third parties are solely responsible for the content of such advertising and for ensuring that it complies with all relevant legislation. We do not accept any responsibility for the content of any third party advertising.
11.1 You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of information provided by Web sites to which you may link from the Sites ("Linked Sites"). Links to Linked Sites are provided as a convenience to you, and do not constitute an endorsement by or association with Renomark Limited, of such sites or the content, products, advertising or other materials presented on such sites. Renomark Limited does not author, edit, or monitor these Linked Sites. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of reliance on such content, goods or services available on such Linked Sites.
12. Disclaimer of warranties. The site, including, without limitation, all content, functions and materials thereon, is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty for information, data, data processing services, or uninterrupted access, any warranties concerning availability, accuracy, usefulness, or content of information, and any warranties of title, non infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the site or the functions, features or content contained therein will be timely, secure, uninterrupted or error free, or that defects will be corrected. We make no warranty that the site will meet users' requirements. No advice, results or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through the site shall create any warranty not expressly made herein. If you are dissatisfied with the site or any content or function thereon, your sole remedy is to discontinue using the site.
We do not guarantee that listing on our Website will generate any business activity for you and your establishment.
13. We reserve the right to publish any images from our Website on Social Media sites managed by Renomark Ltd for promoting our website, and our partners and their services.
14. Serviced countries. This website is provided for users in the United Kingdom only. Whilst access may be possible from outside the UK, this website is not intended for such use and such users access the Website at their own risk.
15. Legal compliance and law. The English Court will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from or related to a visit to this website. English Law will apply to these terms and conditions.
16. Ads on our platform must be true images of YOU and YOU must be a person of 18 years old or older . We do regular spot checks of member’s age verification & identify and any ad that we suspect is falsifying their identity or under age will be asked for immediate proof. This can be done using the appropriate ID or passport page. During this period your ad may be suspended.
17. All Ads placed on our site are checked on submission and monitored periodically. If they do not adhere to our terms and conditions, they will be removed with no notice.
18. If you wish to report content that is violating your image rights or information you can email us on or message using our Contact Us page. We will then proceed to verify the information in question and investigate any account / profile / ad of a reported case to us. We will delete any suspected account / profile / ad of the person breaching the T&C's mentioned in point 16.
19. We reserve the right to remove or modify any content or image/s, and suspend or remove any user found breaching our T&C. Therefore, we will not refund any payments after the suspected account / profile / ad is removed from our advertising platform.
20. This website only allows individuals to advertise their time and companionship to other individuals. We do not provide a booking service nor arrange meetings. Any price indicated relates to time only and nothing else. Any service offered or whatever else that may occur is the choice of consenting adults and a private matter between them. It is your responsibility to comply with local laws.
21. Contact us. If you have any queries about material which appears on our website or if you have any questions about your use of this website or these website Terms and Conditions of use please email us on . Our postal address for correspondence is Renomark Limited, 158 Uxbridge Road, London, W13 8SB
Website subscriber who has purchased any Advertising on Website is in a subject for a full refund if:
(a) Sensual Massages has not published advertisement on the Website within 24 hours of payment date.
(b) If the Website is offline significant portion of Advertising period and Sensual Massages have failed to reach an agreement about compensation on this matter.